1.    Collection Management In Academic Libraries (http://www.dlib.indiana.edu/~brancoli/barcelona/syllabus.html#ste)
2.    Collection Evaluation (http://eduscapes.com/seeds/cd4.html
3.    Collection Evaluation (http://www.lib.uwaterloo.ca/documents/collection_evaluation.html)
4.    Book Collection Evaluation Instrument  (http://www.sbac.edu/~media/Bk_coll_eval.html)

Some questions :
·    Why are there never any new anatomy books on the shelf?
·    Will the collection support a undergraduate/graduate programme in Political Science?
·    How does our Psychology collection rank against those of other universities?
·    Are we missing any important journals?
·    Can you provide a statement of the holdings?

·    To measure the effectiveness use of library collection.
·    To determine to what extent the Library is providing information and library materials appropriate to the present and future needs of its users and facilitating the use of these resources.

Collection Mapping, review the strengths and weaknesses of the entire collection through a graphical representation

Rate growth, titles held and number added annually

Users Survey,  what are the needs and interests of users ?,  how are they evolving ?, what patterns can be seen in circulation statistics and requests ?

List Checking, a list of books and/or journal titles appropriate to the research and curriculum interests of the discipline

Statistical Analysis, how items are being use, how collections are highly used and which are declining in interest, loss Rates

Citation analysis, how scholar works, theses, dissertations cite from the library collection
how users find resources insite or outsite the library

Shelf availability, high missing rates, inadequate collection size for the number of users
misshelving, high levels of user frustration with the collection

Document delivery statistics,  what percentages of the Library’s total loans

In-house use studies, mhighly use in the library

Expert opinion, get the expert opinion on subject area of the library collection

When evaluating information found in books, videos, magazines, newspapers, journals, or CD-ROMs, ask yourself the following questions:
1.    When was the document created (published, developed)?
2.    Is the information useful for your purpose? YES NO
3.    Did the information lead you to other sources that were useful (was a bibliography included)? YES NO
4.    Is the information current? YES NO
5.    Does up-to-date information matter for your purpose? YES NO
6.    Does the information appear biased? YES NO
7.    Does the information contradict something you found somewhere else? YES NO
8.    Do most of the pictures supplement the content of the page? YES NO
9.    Who created (wrote) the information?
10.    With what organization is the author affiliated? What are his credentials?
11.    Is the focus of the source popular or academic?
12.    Are you satisified that the information is useful for your purpose? YES NO

Request for Reconsideration of Library Resources
Name __________________________________________________
Date ___________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
City ____________________________________________________________________
State ___________________________ Zipcode _____________
E-mail Address: ___________________________ Phone _______________________
Do you represent self? ____ Organization? ____
Association with the University: ____Faculty ____Staff ____Student ____Alumni
Other (Please specify) ___________________________________________
1. Resource on which you are commenting:
____ Book ____ Textbook ____ Video ____ Display
____ Magazine ____ Library Program ____ Audio Recording
____ Newspaper ____ Electronic information/network (please specify) ____________
____ Other ___________________________
Title _________________________________________________________________
Author/Producer ______________________________________________________
2. What brought this resource to your attention?
3. Have you examined the entire resource?
4. What concerns you about the resource? (use other side or additional pages if necessary)
5. Are there resource(s) you suggest to provide additional information and/or other viewpoints on this topic?